MainetFunded Challenge Costs

Start small, think big!

Join MainetFunded and watch your wealth multiply!

Power of MainetFunded

$300,000 Account Exemple


more profit potential

with MainetFunded

How a Prop Firm Impacts your Profits

Monthly up to 3-6%. Yearly up to 36-100%.

Live results of MainetFunded

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In this exemple a 4% monthly gain was used.

MainetFunded's AI Strategy

Mirror MainetFunded's traders moves and profit like an expert.

Strategy Performance

Our AI Strategy is designed to operate within prop firm trading parameters, aiming for capital preservations and growth potential.

Tested in up to 99% of the market conditions.

Risk Management Focus

Our AI Strategy is to manage prop firm capital effectively in a wide range of market conditions.


of Tested Market


While past performance is promising, trading always involves risk. Our strategy is designed to help manage risk, but cannot guarantee profits or eliminate the possibility of losses.

Extra Benefits of MainetFunded

What can you do with Net Points?

Rank Upgrades

By performing well, you can upgrade your rank, each offering disting benefits like priority access to challenges, bigger commisions and discount coupons for members invited thru your referral link.

Unlock New Opportunities at Every Level

Your journey with us doesn't stop here.

Your journey doesn't end at one rank - it's just the beginning of yout next adventure. Each step forward opens doors to greater rewards, larger networks, and increased influence.

To the Moon: NET Points Stellar Exchange

Your hard work as an affiliate has brought you to new heights. You've faced challenges and seized opportunities along the way. Now, It's time to reap the rewards of your efforts.

How MainetFunded Commission Works

The commission varies depending upon the levels and the rank of the affliate.

No Evaluation Challenges:

Instant Profit Potential

On Our Way Towards a

Complete Financial Sytem